TechCon Overview

TechCon 2023 brings Finastra developers a number of sessions focused on platform integration and developing the next generation of Financial software.


To see the agenda, please visit the conference site. Log in with your Finastra SSO credentials.


Please see the following presentations for the TechCon Skills Lab sessions:

  • Microservices
  • Data ML
  • UX (separate content; will be presented during event)
  • DevSecOps (separate content; will be presented during event)

Skills Labs

Skills Labs materials are located in the finastra-techcon GitHub organization. Repositories will be created for you based on the skills lab you’ve registered for.

Please look for and accept invitations for the GitHub user used for TechCon registration, to both the organization and your individual repos.

For assistance with the labs, please use the finastra-techcon Q&A.


Two repos under the finastra-techcon GitHub organization will be created for you, one based on Spring Boot and one based on NestJS. These will be created using your personal GitHub username (e.g., {username}-microservice-java and {username}-microservice-node). You should have received invitations to these repos prior to TechCon. Please refer to the in each repo for details on building, deploying, and testing.

You may follow along with implementation steps from the presentation.

Data & ML

One repo under the finastra-techcon GitHub organization will be created for you, using your personal GitHub username (e.g., {username}-data-ml-starter). Please refer to the in each repo for details on building, deploying, and testing.

You may follow along with implementation steps from the presentation.


One repo under the finastra-techcon GitHub organization will be created for you, using your personal GitHub username (e.g., {username}-nestjs-ux). Please refer to the in each repo for details on building, deploying, and testing.


There is no hands-on lab content for this technical breakout session. Please refer to the material presented during the event.