SSH Setup for GitHub

Use the following instructions to use multiple SSH tokens with GitHub.

Finastra Organizations

The following GitHub organizations are used by Finastra:

Organization Expected User Credentials
finastra-platform DH Credentials (<NAME>
finastra-engineering Personal GitHub user; uses DH SSO
finastra-techcon Personal GitHub user

SSH Key Creation

To work with a new Finastra organization in GitHub, you must create a separate SSH key for each organization. The GitHub process for creating new SSH keys documents the necessary workflow. There’s also additional information available with more explanations if needed.

This process should be used for each organization; it is recommended that the key name contain information about the organization in question for ease of maintenance.

Key steps to review for troubleshooting:

  • Using ssh-add to add the new key; you may need to re-do this after a restart
  • Adding the public key to your GitHub account’s public SSH keys

Multiple Organizations

If you need to work with multiple organizations, you’ll need to have multiple entries in your SSH configuration. Make sure that you set the Host field to something that you can easily update in your git clone ... command.

For example, to use an SSH key defined with the following entry in your ~/.ssh/config file:


Host finastra-techcon
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_fin-techcon


You’ll need to use a clone command syntax that matches it, replacing with the Host field content:

git clone git@finastra-techcon:finastra-techcon/TechCon-Documentation